10 Powerful Motivational Success Driving Forces

I Live By These Words! There Is So Much Fire In Them… These Words Are The Driving Force To My Everyday HUSTLE!… Use Them Carefully & Watch How Every Aspects Of Your Life Begin To Elevate!

No Pain! No Gain!…This is one of the key driving force that have contributed immensely to everything i have achieved… so far in the journey of my life and business...Pain will always come before Gain.. It is just a simple fact of life, the earlier you accept and adopt this ideology the quicker you begin to experience growth in anything you lay your hands…. Think about it this way. Who you are is defined by the values you are willing to struggle for”. People who enjoy the struggles of a gym are the ones who get in good shape…Yes they go through the pain of going through daily workout and routines, the gain is simple they become healthier and achieve the shape they desire…. There is no gimmick to it… Plain simple Truth.. Start embracing the PAIN because it is really worth the GAIN

Believe It or Not! Success is just a system of Critical Focused Routine..well laid out and followed day in day out and with a goal to be achieved at the end of the ROAD. You Need to develop some level of discipline, establish your daily routine and stick with them till the end….Develop your Daily Time Table.. just use google spreadsheet.. and have every hour of the day in there… draft your plans and actions.. and followed them all till you achieve your goals… This is how you develop that discipline..

Setting Goals without an actual well structured plan, is like making those fairy tales wishes that you see in your dreams, it will never come to actualization… First set a goal, then establish your plan for achieving those goals and let it all be timed bound. I personally set a Monthly goal, then i break down the Monthly goal into weekly and daily goals…. Think about it this way.. if it will take you 100 Steps to Achieve your goal, then in a month you can break those steps into 25 steps per week and 5 Steps Per day… This way you have a plan and it looks much simpler to achieve those 5 steps.. This is the way to go about It. Start Planning!

True! Your Visions must be strong enough to attract others… this can only happen if you believe in your goals and visions… People will easily follow you if you show positivity and you standby by your belief and value… No one will follow a low self esteemed visionless leader… Show some character and embrace your believe and watch the flood gates of followers..

Fear will continue to hunt everyone of us, but only the bold and those who don’t give a shit about taking risk are they ones that will learn new things or find paths that no one as ever been before…. You are yet to explore the possibilities in front of you.. If you really don’t try or take that risk, then there is no way for you to discover the really amazing things that could have happened… Be Bold! Take Risk!

Believe me you don’t need a Fortune Teller to predict the future, just focus on getting some SHITS done daily and don’t ever look back and your future will be your reality before you know it… Again those that amount to anything in life are those that work their ASS off and dare to success… You have to be ready to get the work done in order to enjoy the luxury of success.

I don’t know about you, but there is only one single option left for me… and that is SUCCESS!.. This type of idealogy and mentallity is what keeps you going day in and day out… Make it your #1 Priority!.. Go For It

This, I learnt during the Teespring days, the quicker you fail, the faster you will find that winning campaign… think about it this way there is a certain amount of trial needed for success to be achieved..except you are lucky and win a jackpot right from the very start… situations like this are very sparing and less common… As a business owner you will have to keep testing and testing, until you find the sweetspot for you to win… No one said it was ever going to be easy.. Start embracing failure.. because you are just one step closer to success.

Good old fear.. I would rather take my chance and go over the line to experience what is on the other side rather than let FEAR hold me down….TIME IS OF ESSENCE. LIVE ABOVE FEAR!

If You love the food from a particular restaurant so bad, but it is just 10 blocks away and you have no one to help you get it, nor do the restaurant have home delivery options… Well you you have few options.. Get your Ass out of your comfort zone walk down or take a ride or pay a premium to some home delivery agent to get it for you..10 blocks away…. or keep quite and don’t complain why you are so hungry and love the food from the restaurant… the moral of the whole story is…. IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO WORK FOR IT, THEN DON’T COMPLAIN ABOUT NOT HAVING IT…